Course Materials

Here you will find links to public websites and GitHub repositories for my courses and workshops.

Operation Research I

An introduction to the major deterministic quantitative techniques of operations research and their application to decision problems. These techniques include linear programming, integer programming, network analysis, and nonlinear programming. Modeling with these techniques is emphasized. Appropriate solvers are used. Prerequisite: MATH 2326 or concurrent enrollment.

Advanced Operation Research

An introduction to the major deterministic quantitative techniques of operations research and their application to decision problems. These techniques include linear programming, integer programming, network analysis, and nonlinear programming. Modeling with these techniques is emphasized. Appropriate solvers are used. Prerequisite: MATH 2326 or concurrent enrollment.

Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Topics in engineering that involve random processes. Applications and backgrounds for topics in reliability, inventory systems, and queuing problems, including absolute and conditional prob- abilities, discrete and continuous random variables, parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, and an introduction to linear regression. This course will also introduce basic programming skills and applications for statistical analyses using R and the tidyverse as well spreadsheet software (e.g., Excel, Google Sheets).