Basics of Markov Chains

By Erick Jones in ORIE Basics

January 4, 2020


This post explores how to markov chains work and how to visulaize them in R. I use a R package specifically designed to visualize markov chains. I also represent these markov chains using tables. This is a reproducible example if you have R Studio just make sure you have installed the correct packages.

## Warning: package 'markovchain' was built under R version 4.1.2
#Allows the use of exponential operators in matrix
## Warning: package 'expm' was built under R version 4.1.2


A good article about Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods:

Example from

# Creating a transition matrix
trans_mat <- matrix(c(0.7,0.3,0.1,0.9),nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]  0.7  0.3
## [2,]  0.1  0.9
# create the Discrete Time Markov Chain
disc_trans <- new("markovchain",transitionMatrix=trans_mat, states=c("Pepsi","Coke"), name="MC 1") 
mcDF <- as(disc_trans,"data.frame")
##      t0    t1 prob
## 1 Pepsi Pepsi  0.7
## 2 Pepsi  Coke  0.3
## 3  Coke Pepsi  0.1
## 4  Coke  Coke  0.9
## MC 1 
##  A  2 - dimensional discrete Markov Chain defined by the following states: 
##  Pepsi, Coke 
##  The transition matrix  (by rows)  is defined as follows: 
##       Pepsi Coke
## Pepsi   0.7  0.3
## Coke    0.1  0.9
#Market Share after one month
Current_state <- c(0.55,0.45)
steps <- 1
finalState <- Current_state*disc_trans^steps #using power operator
##      Pepsi Coke
## [1,]  0.43 0.57
#Market Share after two month
Current_state <- c(0.55,0.45)
steps <- 2
finalState <- Current_state*disc_trans^steps #using power operator
##      Pepsi  Coke
## [1,] 0.358 0.642
#Markov Chain Statistical Operations
##      Pepsi Coke
## [1,]  0.25 0.75
##       Pepsi     Coke
## Pepsi     0 3.333333
## Coke     10 0.000000
##    Pepsi     Coke 
## 4.000000 1.333333
##       Pepsi Coke
## Pepsi     1    1
## Coke      1    1
## named numeric(0)
## [1] 1
## MC 1  Markov chain that is composed by: 
## Closed classes: 
## Pepsi Coke 
## Recurrent classes: 
## {Pepsi,Coke}
## Transient classes: 
## NONE 
## The Markov chain is irreducible 
## The absorbing states are: NONE

Manually Calculating Markov Chains

Chapman-Kolmogorov Equation:

P^(n) = P^n p_ij^(m+n) = P(X_m+n = j | X_0 = i) = sum(p_ik^(m)*p_kj^(n))

#Probabilty Space after 5 steps
steps <- 5

##          [,1]     [,2]
## [1,] 0.273328 0.726672
#Mean Return and Mean Hitting Times using Recursive Equations
#r_l = 1 + sum(t_k*p_lk)
#t_l = 0; t_k = 1 + sum(t_j*p_kj)

#Given X_0 = Coke time until pepsi first time, t_pepsi = 0
# t_coke = 1 + 1/10*t_pepsi + 9/10t_coke
t_coke <- solve(1/10,1)
#r_pepsi = 1 + 7/10*t_pepsi + 3/10*t_coke
r_pepsi <- 1 + 3/10*t_coke

##       Pepsi     Coke
## Pepsi     0 3.333333
## Coke     10 0.000000
## [1] 10
##    Pepsi     Coke 
## 4.000000 1.333333
## [1] 4
#Steady State
#Stationary Distribtution pi = pi*P, sum(pi) = 1 and if irreducible and aperiodic pi_j = lim(n>inf)P(X_n =j | X_0 = i)
#pi_p = 7/10pi_p+1/10pi_c; pi_c = 3/10pi_p + 9/10pi_c, pi_c+pi_p =1
A <- matrix(c(-3/10,1/10,3/10,-1/10,1,1), nrow =3, byrow = TRUE )
B <- c(0,0,1)
##      Pepsi Coke
## [1,]  0.25 0.75
# Solve(A,B)

#rm(Current_state, disc_trans, finalState,steps,trans_mat)

Continous Time Markov Chains

energyStates <- c("sigma", "sigma_star")
#Must produce generator matrix from a transistion probablity matrix
Q <- expm::logm(disc_trans@transitionMatrix,method='Eigen')

gen <- matrix(data = c(-3, 3, 1, -1), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(energyStates, energyStates))

molecularCTMC <- new("ctmc", states = energyStates, byrow = TRUE, generator = gen, name = "Molecular Transition Model")

statesDist <- c(0.8, 0.2)
rctmc(n = 3, ctmc = molecularCTMC, initDist = statesDist, out.type = "df", include.T0 = FALSE, T = 4)
##       states              time
## 1 sigma_star 0.450251907717093
## 2      sigma  2.81869318570598
## 3 sigma_star  2.87532378315582
##      sigma sigma_star
## [1,]  0.25       0.75

Q-Learning with Liars Dice

# play a round of liars dice
liars.dice.round <- function(players, control, player.dice.count, agents, game.states, reward, Q.mat, a = 1, verbose = 1){
  # set array for recording results
  y.ctrl = c(); y.state = c(); y.action = c()
  # roll the dice for each player
  if(verbose > 0) cat("\n\n")
  rolls <- lapply(1:players, function(x) sort(sample(1:6, player.dice.count[[x]], replace = TRUE)))
  if(verbose > 1) lapply(rolls, function(x) cat("dice: ", x, "\n"))
  total.dice <- sum(unlist(player.dice.count))
  # set penalty
  penalty <- sapply(1:players, function(x) 0, simplify = FALSE)
  # print dice blocks
  if(verbose > 0) Dice(rolls[[1]])
  # set up roll table
  roll.table <- roll.table.fn(rolls)
  # initial bid
  if(verbose > 0) cat("place first bid\nPlayer", control, "has control\n")
  if(control == a){
    dice.value <- set.dice.value("dice value: ", 6)
    dice.quantity <- set.dice.value("quantity; ", sum(roll.table))
    # agent plays
    p1.state <- which(game.states$total == total.dice & game.states$p1 == player.dice.count[[1]] & game.states$prob_cat == total.dice)
    pars <- list(dice = rolls[[control]], total.dice = total.dice, dice.value = NULL, dice.quantity = 0, p1.state = p1.state)
    agent.action <- agents[[control]](pars = pars, Q.mat = Q.mat)
    dice.value <- agent.action$dice.value
    dice.quantity <- agent.action$dice.quantity
  # calculate probability cat and determine the game state
  # action set to raise because you can't call without an initial bid
  # this could be a 3rd action (initial bid) but it's not really necessary
  player.dice.qty <- table(rolls[[1]])[as.character(dice.value)]
  player.dice.qty <- ifelse(, 0, player.dice.qty) %>% unname <- calc.prob(c(total.dice, player.dice.count[[1]], dice.quantity, player.dice.qty))
  p1.state <- which(game.states$total == total.dice & game.states$p1 == player.dice.count[[1]] & game.states$prob_cat ==
  p1.action <- "raise"
  # storing states for Q iteration
  y.ctrl = c(); y.state = c(); y.action = c()
  # moving control to the next player
  # storing the previous player since if the next player calls the previous player could lose a die
  prev <- control
  control <- control %% players + 1
  if(verbose > 0) cat("dice value ", dice.value, "; dice quantity ", dice.quantity, "\n")
  # loop through each player and continue until there is a winner and loser
  called <- FALSE
    # check if the player with control is still in the game - if not skip
    if(player.dice.count[[control]] > 0){
      if(control == a){
        action <- readline("raise or call (r/c)? ")
        # the agent makes a decision
        pars <- list(dice = rolls[[control]], total.dice = total.dice, dice.value = dice.value, dice.quantity = dice.quantity, p1.state = p1.state)
        agent.action <- agents[[control]](pars = pars, Q.mat = Q.mat)
        action <- agent.action$action
      # storing states for reward iteration
      if(control == 1 & !is.null(agent.action$action)){
        player.dice.qty <- table(rolls[[1]])[as.character(dice.value)]
        player.dice.qty <- ifelse(, 0, player.dice.qty) %>% unname
        p1.action <- agent.action$action <- calc.prob(c(total.dice, player.dice.count[[1]], dice.quantity, player.dice.qty))
        p1.state <- which(game.states$total == total.dice & game.states$p1 == player.dice.count[[1]] & game.states$prob_cat ==
      # called
      if(action %in% c("call", "c")){
        if(verbose > 0) {
          cat("player", control, "called\nRoll table\n")
        # dice are reavealed
        # check if the quantity of dice value is less or more than the total in the pool
        # if more control loses otherwise control-1 win
        if(dice.quantity > roll.table[dice.value]){
          penalty[[prev]] <- penalty[[prev]] - 1
          if(verbose > 0) cat("player", prev, "lost a die\n")
          penalty[[control]] <- penalty[[control]] - 1
          if(verbose > 0) cat("player", control, "lost a die\n")
        # for Q iteration
        y.ctrl <- c(y.ctrl, control); y.state <- c(y.state, p1.state); y.action <- c(y.action, p1.action)
        # if called use the penalty array to change states <- calc.prob(c(total.dice, player.dice.count[[1]], dice.quantity, player.dice.qty))
        p1.state <- which(game.states$total == total.dice-1 & game.states$p1 == player.dice.count[[1]]+penalty[[1]] & game.states$prob_cat ==
        # break the loop
        called <- TRUE
        if(verbose > 0) cat("player", control, "raised\n")
        if(control == a){
          # player sets next dice value
          dice.value <- set.dice.value("dice value: ", 6)
          dice.quantity <- set.dice.value("quantity; ", sum(roll.table))
          dice.value <- agent.action$dice.value
          dice.quantity <- agent.action$dice.quantity
        # p1 state after the raise <- calc.prob(c(total.dice, player.dice.count[[1]], dice.quantity, player.dice.qty))
        p1.state <- which(game.states$total == total.dice & game.states$p1 == player.dice.count[[1]] & game.states$prob_cat ==
        if(verbose > 0) cat("dice value", dice.value, "; dice quantity", dice.quantity, "\n")
      # store info for Q update
      y.ctrl <- c(y.ctrl, control); y.state <- c(y.state, p1.state); y.action <- c(y.action, p1.action)
      # set the control player to now be the previous player
      prev <- control
    # next player has control
    control <- control %% players + 1
  # play results and return
  play <- data.frame(y.ctrl, y.state, y.action)
  return(list(penalty = penalty, play = play))

# play a full game of liars dice
play.liars.dice <- function(players = 4, num.dice = 6, auto = FALSE, verbose = 1, agents, Q.mat = NULL, train = FALSE, print.trans = FALSE){
  # begin!
  if(verbose > 0) liars.dice.title()
  # setting the number of dice each player has
  ndice <- sapply(rep(num.dice, players), function(x) x, simplify = FALSE)
  players.left <- sum(unlist(ndice) > 0)
  # setting game states matrix
  game.states <-, num.dice)
  # set up reward matrix
  reward <- generate.reward.matrix(game.states)
  reward <- list(raise = reward, call = reward)
  # set Q matrix if null
  if(is.null(Q.mat)) Q.mat <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(reward$raise), ncol = length(reward), dimnames = list(c(), names(reward)))
  # while there is at least 2 left in the game
  # who has control
  ctrl <- sample(1:players, 1)
  play.df <- data.frame()
  while(players.left > 1){
    # play a round
    results <- liars.dice.round(
      players = players, 
      control = ctrl,
      player.dice.count = ndice, 
      game.states = game.states,
      reward = reward,
      Q.mat = Q.mat,
      agents = agents,
      a = as.numeric(!auto),
      verbose = verbose
    # update how many dice the players are left with given the 
    # outcomes of the round
    for(k in seq_along(ndice)){
      ndice[[k]] <- ndice[[k]] + results$penalty[[k]]
      if(ndice[[k]] == 0 & results$penalty[[k]] == -1){
        if(verbose > 0) cat("player", k, "is out of the game\n")
      # update who has control so they can start the bidding
      if(results$penalty[[k]] == -1){
        ctrl <- k
        while(ndice[[ctrl]] == 0){
          ctrl <- ctrl %% players + 1
    # checking how many are left and if anyone won the game
    players.left <- sum(unlist(ndice) > 0)
    if(players.left == 1){
      if(verbose > 0) cat("player", which(unlist(ndice) > 0), "won the game\n")
    # appending play
    play.df <- rbind(play.df, results$play)
  if(print.trans) print(play.df)
  # update Q
  # rather than training after each action, training at the 
  # end of each game in bulk
  # just easier this way
  if(train) Q.mat <- update.Q(play.df, Q.mat, reward)
  # return the winner and Q matrix
  return(list(winner = which(unlist(ndice) > 0), Q.mat = Q.mat))

Other Stochastic Processes


Bayesian Networks

Other Q Learning

Posted on:
January 4, 2020
8 minute read, 1666 words
ORIE Basics
R Markdown Stochastic Processes Markov Chains Statistical Testing
See Also:
Decompositions Algorithms Broken Down and Explained
Benders Decomposition Algorithm Explained
Quadratic Programming Examples and Algorithms